Few Tips :
Whenever config-map is updated, you need to manually restart the services to update the changes
Ephemeral Volumes exist for the lifespan of a Pod. Persistent Volumes preserve data beyond the lifespan of a Pod.
Volume Types
- emptyDir - Empty directory in Pod with read/write access. Only persisted for the lifespan of a Pod. A good choice for cache implementations or data exchange between containers of a Pod.
- hostPath: File or directory from the host node’s filesystem. Supported only on single-node clusters and not meant for production.
- configMap , Secrets: Provides a way to inject configuration data.
- nfs: An existing NFS (Network File System) share. Preserves data after Pod restart.
- persistentVolumeClaim : Claims a Persistent Volume.
Create a multi-container (easy way )
kubectl run multipod --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml>multipod.yaml kubectl run beta --image=busybox -- command sleep 4800 --dry-run=client -o yaml>>multipod.yaml
vi multipod.yaml
- Podname: multipod (containers; alpha & beta)
- update first container name:line 11 –> name: alpha
- delete below 13-lines (from line-12 onwards)
- you are good now to apply the yaml file.
- kubectl describe po multipod
Debug the distroless container
# debian is container image ,fyi kubectl debug <pod-name> exec -it --image=busybox --target=debian
Revisit some docker commands
# Docker build image docker build -t image-name:version . # runs container in background and does port forward to 8080 docker run -d -p 8080:8080 image-name:version # login to container shell docker exec -it <container-id> bash docker tag image-name:version username/name docker save -o <file-name.extensions> image-name:version docker load --input <file-name.extension>
Init containers provide initialization logic concerns to be run before the main application even starts.
The init container sets up a configuration file in the directory /usr/shared/app. This directory has been shared through a Volume so that it can be referenced by a Node.js-based application running in the main container.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: web-app
- name: configurer
image: busybox:1.36.1
command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo Configuring application... && \
mkdir -p /usr/shared/app && echo -e "{\"dbConfig\": \
{\"host\":\"localhost\",\"port\":5432,\"dbName\":\"customers\"}}" \
> /usr/shared/app/config.json']
- name: configdir
mountPath: "/usr/shared/app"
- image: iamlaksh1/web-app:1.0.0
name: web
- containerPort: 8080
- name: configdir
mountPath: "/usr/shared/app"
- name: configdir
emptyDir: {}
- Create labels on POD
kubectl run labeled-pod --image=nginx:1.25.1 --labels=tier=backend,env=dev
kubectl get pods -l 'team in (shiny, legacy)' --show-labels #searching
- Label selection as part of network-selection API
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: frontend-network-policy
tier: frontend
The mapping between the Deployment and the replicas it controls happens through label selection.For label selection to work properly, the assignment of spec.selector.matchLabels and spec.template.metadata needs to match
Health Check Attributes
Attributes | Default Value | Description |
initialDelaySeconds | 0 | Delay in seconds until first check is executed. |
periodSeconds | 10 | Interval for executing a check (e.g., every 20 seconds). |
timeoutSeconds | 1 | Maximum number of seconds until check operation times out. |
successThreshold | 10 | Number of successful check attempts until probe is considered successful after a failure. |
failureThreshold | 3 | Number of failures for check attempts before probe is marked failed and takes action |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds | 30 | Grace period before forcing a container to stop upon failure. |
Network policies can be aggregated. A default deny rule may disallow ingress and/or egress traffic. An additional network policy can open up those rules with a more fine-grained definition.
Service Port Mapping