Extract Cropland Data Layer (CDL) file for a specific bounding box and year
This python code queries NAAS Geodata API for given bounding box and year and retrives Cropland image in TIF format
Get CDL file using following ways
1. By Year and FIPS/ASD code
2. By Year and Bounding BOX
3. By Year and multiple points
4. By Year and upload vector files (shp file in zip format)
Click here for the API examples
We can get crop land statistics , CDL stats comparison for 2 years (in json,CSV formats), extract cropland values using crop categories and generate PDF
import requests
def CDL_clip_retrieve(bbox="130783,2203171,153923,2217961", year=2018):
Retrieve a Cropland Data Layer (CDL) file for a specific bounding box and year.
bbox (str): Bounding box coordinates in the format "minx,miny,maxx,maxy".
year (int): The year for which to retrieve the CDL data.
bytes: The content of the retrieved TIFF file.
# Make the request to retrieve the CDL file
url = 'https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/axis2/services/CDLService/GetCDLFile'
params = {
'year': year,
'bbox': bbox
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for bad status codes
# Process the response to obtain the CDL file URL
cdl_file_url = response.content.decode('utf-8').split('<returnURL>')[1].split('</returnURL>')[0]
print(f"CDL file URL: {cdl_file_url}")
# Retrieve the actual TIFF file
tiff_response = requests.get(cdl_file_url)
return tiff_response.content # tif_bytes
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
bbox = "130783,2203171,153923,2217961"
year = 2019
tif_data = CDL_clip_retrieve(bbox, year)
if tif_data:
# Save the TIFF file
with open(f"cdl_data_{year}.tif", "wb") as f:
print(f"CDL data for year {year} has been saved as 'cdl_data_{year}.tif'")
print("Failed to retrieve CDL data")