I’ll share some of good technical articles and blogs which I came across.
Awesome Vector-tiles . List of parsers and generators, clients and geospatial tools.
What are Vector-tiles? . Good summary of vector-tiles and why should we care
Awesome MapBox Resources - List of external resources if you are using Mapbox
Tiling - Good reading on tiling. Must for any geospatial Engineer
Src vs Flat Layout - Gives good undertsnading of python packaging and layout structure.
OSGeo GDAL Docker Imanges - GDAL Docker images
Activating Conda Enviornment in DockerFile - This is an old article, but helps in understanding Conda in Docker.
FastAPI with Geospatial Integeration - This is an good starting point for FastAPI with Geospatial.
CORS Playground - CORS playground
Deep-Dive of JS Event Loop - Excellent video to understand JS event loop
Mutable and Immutable in Javascript - Good basics on mutables and immutables
Understanding OAuth and Open ID connect - Best you tube video about Identity & Access Management OAUTH | OpenID Connect
Sentinel 2 - Applications - Sentinel 2 Applications and Processing Levels.
Python Foundation for Spatial Analysis - Python for GIS Developer - Beginner level course.
Mastering GDAL - Best way to learn GDAL
Introduction for ML for Earth Observation - Good course to understand ML for EO.
Vector Algebra basics - Vector algebra basics (refresher course for ML)
Modern DW for Location Data - Good article on modern dataware house for location data.
Introduction to statistical learning using Python - Awesome book w/ lot of examples in Python.
Dataset for EO - Github repo for curated datasets for EO