Cropland Data Extraction using Python

Extract Cropland Data Layer (CDL) file for a specific bounding box and year This python code queries NAAS Geodata API for given bounding box and year and retrives Cropland image in TIF format Get CDL file using following ways 1. By Year and FIPS/ASD code 2. By Year and Bounding BOX 3. By Year and multiple points 4. By Year and upload vector files (shp file in zip format) Click here for the API examples...

September 20, 2024 · 2 min

Cropland CROS - Project

In continuation of Cropland CROS API link. The front-end application has been developed using React (w/ ts) and Material UI. Github Repo Screenshots 📷 Frontpage Area of Interest US state selection with Notification County with no data from API Final output

August 12, 2024 · 1 min