Cropland CROS - Project

In continuation of Cropland CROS API link. The front-end application has been developed using React (w/ ts) and Material UI. Github Repo Screenshots 📷 Frontpage Area of Interest US state selection with Notification County with no data from API Final output

August 12, 2024 Â· 1 min

Good Reads

I’ll share some of good technical articles and blogs which I came across. Awesome Vector-tiles . List of parsers and generators, clients and geospatial tools. What are Vector-tiles? . Good summary of vector-tiles and why should we care Awesome MapBox Resources - List of external resources if you are using Mapbox Tiling - Good reading on tiling. Must for any geospatial Engineer Src vs Flat Layout - Gives good undertsnading of python packaging and layout structure....

August 12, 2024 Â· 2 min

An API with Geospatial capabilities using Pixi

This post walks you through the process of creating an API with geospatial capabilities using FastAPI and Pixi. Many data science and machine learning projects today use Conda for environment management and Poetry for package management. Using Poetry and Conda together in Python projects creates challenges due to their conflicting approaches to environment management and dependency resolution, often leading to inconsistencies in package versions and sources. The combination increases complexity in CI/CD pipelines and Dockerfiles, making it difficult to maintain consistent environments across different stages of development and deployment....

August 7, 2024 Â· 6 min