Basic Notes on Containerization

Few Tips : Whenever config-map is updated, you need to manually restart the services to update the changes Ephemeral Volumes exist for the lifespan of a Pod. Persistent Volumes preserve data beyond the lifespan of a Pod. Volume Types emptyDir - Empty directory in Pod with read/write access. Only persisted for the lifespan of a Pod. A good choice for cache implementations or data exchange between containers of a Pod. hostPath: File or directory from the host node’s filesystem....

March 13, 2024 · 3 min

K8s - CKAD Exam Tips and Notes

The CKAD exam is about more than just your knowledge of Kubernetes. It also tests your ability to complete tasks quickly. Speed ​​and efficiency are key to passing this test. This exam truly tests the pratical working knowledge and your proficiency. Please read the important instructions about device you use for taking exam, protocor requirements, exam details etc Few Tips : Please run PSI Online Proctoring System Check before the exam to ensure no surprises on exam day....

February 14, 2024 · 7 min